By Third Tiu
June 2, 2016
Dream Team Directors Raise Awareness on the Environmental Crisis with Hollywood United for a Healthy California Los Angeles, California - Dream Team Directors recently teamed up with Academy Award nominee Mark Ruffalo to raise awareness about a crisis affecting Los Angeles residents. The team followed Mr. Ruffalo on February 25th, as he led an unconventional tour, teaming up with the non-profit Hollywood United for a Healthy California to take a bus tour of the more than 1,000 oil drills in the LA area. On board were entertainment industry leaders, committed to raising awareness to this issue. More than a half a million Los Angeles residents live within a quarter mile of an oil field. Dream Team Directors are committed to promoting green energy solutions and projects that make the world more aware of environmental crisis. The world uses 85 million barrels of oil every day, that’s 3,570,000,000 (yes, billions of gallons per day). Hollywood United has a simple plan: to keep oil in the ground. To see the tour, interviews with residents, and the view from the street to show the world this crisis, check out the video here: